Hür Köser


Dr. Hür Köser is a serial entrepreneur, inventor and business executive with a proven record of founding, scaling, and advising startups in biotechnology, life sciences, and diagnostics. He is passionate about the intersection of technology, medicine, automation, AI and manufacturing. By blending business acumen with deep technical expertise, Hür has successfully established product-market fit, formed high-performing teams, and secured funding to drive early-stage concepts to fully commercialized solutions for many companies.

Having started his first company, Ancera, directly out of the research invented in his own lab, Dr. Köser is intimately familiar with the challenges and opportunities awaiting university spin-offs and their founders. He has successfully guided numerous such startups by helping the executives and the teams focus primarily on an efficient and rapid product commercialization strategy. During the pandemic, he was invited to serve as a Team Lead in NIH’s Rapid Acceleration of Diagnostics (RADx) initiative, where he evaluated promising new technologies, mentored and nurtured fledgling start-ups, and oversaw their process of assay commercialization, manufacturing scale-up, and regulatory approval. Over the years, he served as a C-level executive and board member to a number of companies. He is currently the Founder and CEO of his next venture, Scalables, focusing on the grand vision of dramatically accelerating the process of discovery and innovation by creating an AI-enabled, modular and reconfigurable lab automation platform.

As an Entrepreneur-in-Residence, Dr. Köser seeks to empower university-based founders to turn their innovations into disruptive market contenders. Drawing on his extensive background in forming companies and rapidly commercializing products that customers need and want, Hür will mentor teams on critical pathways — from validating early ideas to forging industry partnerships — and provide practical guidance in operations, R&D, and commercialization. Through candid coaching, hands-on collaboration, and a passion for translating science into impact, Hür is committed to helping the next wave of UConn ventures thrive.

Hur Koser
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