TCS Attends BIO Conference

After two years of attending virtually, it was exciting to represent UConn at the Biotechnology Innovation Organization (BIO) International Convention in San Diego this past June. BIO is the world’s largest advocacy association representing member companies, state biotechnology groups, academic and research institutions, and related organizations across the United States and in 30+ countries. UConn had over 100 assets showcased this year, and I had the opportunity to meet with industry liaisons to discuss possible partnerships.

One of the biggest takeaways from the event is the pharmaceutical industry’s increasing interest in working with universities early in the research process. I met with several industry liaisons who will be working directly with TCS in the near future. They will be scouting our technologies and potentially moving UConn technologies from the bench to market. TCS is excited to the explore potential partnerships made possible through the conference and put UConn research on the road to meeting needs and changing the biotech world.

Author: Ana Lena Fidantsef, Industry Liaison

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