Innovation Fellowship Company Application

Thank you for your interest in taking on a student intern this summer!

Some things to note:

1. Applying  does not obligate you to host an intern, but companies must apply in order to review intern applications.
2. We expect to fund one intern for every company that requests one up to a max of 25 interns. Funding is first come first serve by date that the intern signed offer letter is returned to us.
3. Host companies are required to provide mentoring, space and all supplies for projects.
4. Interns will receive UConn training in research ethics (required) and in lab safety (as needed)
5. Academic requirements for TIP fellows funded by the program: 1) weekly required workshops and seminars and 2) a non-confidential research project presentation at Innovation Fellows Research Day (July 31). Business majors are also required to present in the program’s Business Innovation Round Table Series.